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Fredericksburg / Virginia / Türkiye

This is a newer location with better organization than some others. It offers a job help center, donation center and used merchandise such as clothing, furniture, toys, small appliances and other household items. Goodwill is comprised of 165 independent community-based locations. It helps those with difficulties gain skills and employment while also.

Fredericksburg / Virginia / Türkiye

This Goodwill location is a retail and donation center. The center accepts all types of used goods and sells a variety of gently-used items like clothing, home furnishings, household items, toys and accessories and more. Revenue from the store is used to support Goodwill's mission of providing job training and career services to those with disabilities and those in need.

Fredericksburg / Virginia / Türkiye

This local Goodwill store carries a variety of gently used items, including clothing, furniture, toys and household items. Revenue from its retail stores is used by the nationwide non-profit organization to provide job training and career services to those in need. Donations are welcome.